ELSS Investments

A great opportunity - Yes one time now - Grab it !
It is the right time to invest in Equity Linked Investment Plan [ELSS] and get whole benefit of capital appreciation and Tax Benefits ! The Income Tax department has extended the date of filing the returns to 31st August 2018 now. Grab this opportunity right now!
Now the ELSS is the best for long term capital gain and periodical good returns. Your NAV goes up if you invest right now. While you get the Income tax rebate for the investment you make right now, the periodical dividend option in the scheme will fetch you Tax-free dividend. Double benefit for you with a single investment.
The risk is very less if you choose to invest in top ranked equity mutual funds for the long term. People with young age should go in for this ELSS now and reap huge benefits, much above Bank and other deposit schemes which give less interest. Ideal scheme for beating inflation as well.
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